information on this page has not been updated in many years. Märklin
has manufactured at least one additional clockwork airplane since this page
was last updated.
(Märklin #1980)

Märklin photo
The Märklin #1980 Junkers
Ju-52/3 m tri-motor airplane is a re-make of a tin-plate
clockwork kit originally sold by Märklin in 1936 as
catalog #1152. While the #1152 set allowed the
construction of a single-, bi-, or tri-motor airplane,
the #1980 airplane was sold fully assembled in the
tri-motor configuration. |

Märklin photo
The model features a number of
impressive mechanical features, including all three
propellers powered by a single wind-up clockwork motor
via a spiral transmission. The horizontal tail and rudder
are movable and the wing span is over 22 inches (56 cm)
in length.

Märklin photo
The Märklin #1980 was
manufactured on a one-time-only basis in 1996 and was
only sold through Märklin's MHI dealer network. While
quantities were limited to the number of firm orders
Märklin received by March 15, 1996, Märklin reserved
the right to limit quantities based on production
capacity and would not guarantee delivery. The airplanes
started to arrive at U.S. dealers in mid-December 1996. While the
suggested retail price was $850 in the United States and DM 998 in
Germany, we have seen advertised prices as low as $600 and high as

Specializing in Märklin Trains and Toys
Post Office Box 6225 - Charlottesville, Virginia - 22906
© Modellbahn Collectors
